Pate De Verre Wiki
Dear BFS2, please enter your texts, photos etc. here so that we can polish them up on Friday.
1. definition, short description Pate-de-Verre | | Alice, Sabrina
Pâte de verre is a method of kiln firing, an old technique that dates back to the ancient Egyptians. Crushed or powdered glass is placed in a heat-resistant plaster mold and fired in a kiln. After it is slowly cooled, the glass is taken out of the kiln, removed from the mold, and the surface can be finished by grinding and polishing.
This sounds easy - but in fact pâte de verre is extremely delicate and time consuming. The big advantage of pâte de verre is that it allows for precise placement of particular glass colors in the mold.
2. list of words and expressions Pate-de-Verre German/Englisch | | Barbara, Sarah, Rebecca
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1. Ofen = kiln: you melt glass in it.
2. transparent: it is, when you can see the things behind it.
3. Glaspulver = powdered glass: finaly ground glass.
4. Form = molt; form: the powdered glass is put into it.
5. Fritte = frit: small pieces of glass.
6. durchscheinend = transluscent: the light can get through it.
7. polieren = to polish: if you do this, the glass is blank.
8. Wachsmodel = wax model: you mold/form itfor the mold/form.
9. Ton = clay: the material for the form.
3. questions and answers for Pate-de-Verre crossword (easy/advanced) | | Lena und Tina
1. Ofen = kiln: you melt glass in it.
2. transparent: it is, when you can see the things behind it.
3. Glaspulver = powdered glass: finaly ground glass.
4. Form = molt; form: the powdered glass is put into it.
5. Fritte = frit: small pieces of glass.
6. durchscheinend = transluscent: the light can get through it.
7. polieren = to polish: if you do this, the glass is blank.
8. Wachsmodel = wax model: you mold/form itfor the mold/form.
9. Ton = clay: the material for the form.
5. Pate-de-Verre gallery: pieces by students from our school (pictures and short description) | | Celina, Yvonne
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6. pictures of pate-de-Verre tools and activities + corresponding words | | Sarah, Corinna, Alex
gutzi gutzi
7. storyboard for Pate-de-Verre video-situation | | ´´´Nina, Nora, Annabel´´´ zuerst das Drehbuch auf deutsch
Frau Pingel sitzt am Schreibtisch. Der Kunde kommt herein.
PINGEL (aufstehend): Herr Matzorrti, was für eine Überraschung! Was kann ich für Sie tun?
MATZORRTI (abweisend): Sehr erfreut… Unsere Auftraggeber haben gewisse Bedenken, ob Sie in der Lage sind, die angekündigte Lieferung Glasfiguren fertig zu stellen. Deswegen bin ich hier, um mich zu davon überzeugen, dass Sie wirklich das technische Knowhow besitzen.
PINGEL: Aber selbstverständlich, Herr Matzorrti, unsere Probefigur ist gerade in der Manufaktur. Wir werden die Fertigung mit der Pate de Verre Technik umsetzen…
MATZORRTI (unterbricht): Ich bin kein Freund von Fachbegriffen.
PINGEL: Glasfluss… Ich werde es Ihnen zeigen, wenn Sie mir kurz folgen würden, bitte…
Frau Pingel und Herr Matzorrti treten an den Produktionstisch.
Es folgt die Beschreibung des Herstellungsprozesses.
Matzorrti zögert.
MATZORRTI (nach einer Pause): Ich sehe, unser Auftrag ist in guten Händen. Wir freuen uns auf eine produktive Zusammenarbeit.
8. Patě de Verre Czechia von Annabel und Sarah | | First we think of an idea about the form and the size of our objekt.
If we want to do something realistic or something abstract.
Then we make an lot of skribbles for the best idea.
Next we show our teacher Professor Janak the ideas and he told us if we can do it like this or if we have to change parts of the models.
After that we go into the ceramic studio and made our models with clay.
We have three sorts of clay. Bad, middle and good clay.
We use the bad one, because we do our first models. We worked with our hands and little clay tools (like a knife) for modelizing the clay.
Moreover the crown of the clay must be plane. Then you divide the model with little aluminim metall pieces. They cut them out of the coca cola tins.
This pieces we have to put into one line around the clay model. We do this because its easier to split the plaster form later.
Next we put petroleum on the aluminium pieces. We do this because its easier to split the plaster mold later.
Then came the plaster. There are two tecknics of the plaster.
1. the plaster with wax-technic 2. the plaster without wax-technic